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Monday, 31 January 2011

Still Life: Passion Fruit, Yellow Knife - Day One cont

I couldn't resist returning quickly to paint the plate and background.

Still Life - passion fruit, yellow knife. Day One.

 Another day, another still life. I'm painting the darker and more colourful areas first.

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Still Life - Pear, Knife, Plate - Day Three

Day three. This painting is much looser in style than my other still life.  I think I like it. I've decided to leave it for now. I might come back and add a little bit more, but want to preserve the sketchy style of this one.

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Still life: 'Pear, Knife, Plate' Day Two

Day two of the imaginatively titled still life 'Pear, Knife, Plate'. I'm painting with a restricted colour palette.

New Beginning - still life pear, knife and plate

I'm painting over the landscape with a still life of a pear, knife and plate. We'll see where this goes...

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Landscape - evening 3

Meh. I decided to scrub it, rub it, out. Wasn't really grabbing me by the balls. Strangely enough, I sort of like how it looks scrubbed out....ready for a new beginning.

Landscape evening 2

Second evening painting this landscape. Have to say, I'm not getting inspired. There's a lack of tension which I feel might be the result of not getting the picture directly from observing nature.

Landscape evening1

On my way home from work the other day, I drew a landscape on my ipad using sketchbook pro. I sort of liked the colour scheme and the simple composition. When I was thinking about what to paint next, I thought it might be a nice idea to base it on the ipad sketch. This is the first evening's work. Too early to judge where it's going.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Still Life Oil Painting - Day 4

4th evening. I think I'm done. I've worked on the cloth a bit more, added the odd reflection and highlight. Time to abandon it, while I'm still winning,

Still Life Oil Painting - Day 3

3rd evening on the oil painting. Not much added, I just had a spare half hour while the kids' dinner was cooking. More detail on the edges of the picture and started to define the blue cloth the plate is sitting on.

Still Life Oil Painting - Day 2

Day 2 of oil painting. I was given a box of oils from my mother-in-law. I haven't used oil paints very much. So taking it slow. Starting to sharpen the light and shadows on the plate and cloth.